Monday, 3 October 2011

Started 'training' again

Well, I guess I've started some kind of training again, even though I'm still in this cast. Doing 20 minute sessions on the trainer (Tacx iMagic for those interested). Feels good to be getting sweaty again, and the leg feels strong enough to do some kind of workout now. Before it was difficult to keep my foot on the pedal, but now it isn't so something must've changed.... So I've made myself some training rides with up to 5% slopes in. Two days in, no problems. So far so good...
The last visit to the consultant was on September 19 where I learned the results of my CT scan from 5 September. The result is that he thinks it's still worth persevering without another corrective operation. He's given me a portable bone healing ultrasound system to use on it 20 minutes every day. Apparently that's clinically proven to promote bone healing, sounds good! The fact that my wounds have now healed up is definitely a good sign that the infection has been beaten. He said it may return so I have to be on the lookout and ready to resume antibiotics if needs be.
But all in all a good visit, I feel like I'm being looked after with my special machine and everything, and even though it's still quite painful sometimes, it does feel a lot stronger than from a few months ago.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

So what happened?

Did I fall out of love with cycling? Become a lazy couch potato? Realise I'd never win a race and quit?
No, I got hit by a car. On June 21 2010. I was in hospital for 8 weeks with a badly mangled left leg (below the knee), possibly a fractured pelvis and a few broken bones in my hand. I lost 30% of the tissue below my left knee and my left tibia and fibula were in 4 pieces. Nice! It took 2 weeks for the plastic and orthopaedic consultants to decide that it was worth reconstructing, so I had a series of operations to put my leg back together, taking a muscle from my back and skin from my right thigh. I left hospital in external fixation which I had on until December 2010. Since then I've been in a removable plaster cast. 13 months on since I was discharged, my leg is still in the cast and I'm still on crutches. In the last 2 weeks my wounds have finally closed up, touch wood. So now at least I don't need to do my dressings every other day! My hand is fine, I just can't move my index finger joint. My leg feels like it's getting stronger but the consultant is still thinking I may need another operation to fix it properly. That will mean another year before I can recover. But it may not come to that, fingers crossed.
I am soooo looking forward to cycling again, and to keep on posting stuff here when I do races and adventures etc.. I have a big list now of things I will do when I'm able to!

Here's how it looks, September 14 2011.